Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring is here and the love bug is in the air

It’s cool to think that the winter is over and soon school will be as well.
These are the times that we all look forward to, but something crazy goes on during this transition  in our lives.  We become vulnerable to a bug that only comes out during this time,” The Love bug”.  After getting a bite from this pest some symptoms may follow:
1.       Obnoxious courage
2.       Diarrhea of the mouth
3.       Roaming hands and fingers
4.       Creepy gooogly eyes
1.       Clothes become too hot so they start to come off or barely cover.
2.       Hips shake wildly  as if there is a bad wedgie
3.       Face appears to glow with makeup  to cover the bug bite
4.       An obnoxious flirty giggle starts worse than a cough.
How do you protect yourself from this nasty bug? First take a cold shower, then time in the bible learning of a God that loved you so much he would give you his only son for you. John 3:16
Relationships are like bridges which connect us to destiny, however wisdom is necessary to know which ones to cross and which ones to burn!